Miss Constitution

About Miss C

Miss Constitution has appeared on television and radio and speaks publicly on American history, the founding documents, and current political issues.

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I was very unfocused in my youth and never really obtained a grasp of the philosophical underpinnings of our system of government or even basic civics. Miss Boyd makes hard subjects easy to learn. Very inspiring.”
– Education Law Graduate Student

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Miss C is taking questions you have about the US Constitution. Simply submit your questions and she’ll reply to you with answers. Great questions may be featured in her blog as well as added to an FAQ page. 


    The Federalist Papers

    Your donations help to get American history, civics, economics, and philosophy out to more people through more venues. The more people who know and understand the system the more power they have to help themselves and others, as well.

    Apples of Gold

    The Federalist Papers

    “A Timely Essential Read: This book should be in every school and adult classroom…”
    – Amazon Review

    “We must educate ourselves and our children in these areas. This is a “must read” for American citizens.”
    – Amazon Review

    “Apples of Gold – Voices From the Past that Speak to Us Now” by M.E. Boyd, is a survey of American history, philosophy, and culture from 1620 to WW1. It has something to say that is important to us now. Find the book at Amazon in paperback, on Kindle and Audible. Also available at Barnes & Noble.

    Miss C’s Blog

    Miss Constitution Profile Thumbnail

    Follow Miss Constitution about our Founding documents and Economic system. This is knowledge that Empowers.

    An Election Checklist

    “The Reformation happened because people hadn’t the brains to understand Aquinas.”  Author unknown but mentioned in a 1936 article on G. K. Chesterton. Miss Constitution would say that the cultural, legal, and ethical unraveling in America today is happening because people haven’t the brains to understand and appreciate our unique

    War Horse

    For those of you who have not seen the 2011 World War I movie “War Horse”, there is a scene near the end of the movie where the frightened horse, Joey, gets wrapped in painful barbed wire in “no-man’s land.”  The wire is ultimately cut by men from both sides

    Messaging No God

    “Substantially, Marxism-Leninism denies that there is any soul; that there is any after life; that there is any God. That is part and parcel of the entire theory.”  Bella Dodd in testimony before a Senate subcommittee in 1952. For those readers unfamiliar with Bella Dodd (1904-1969), she was one of

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