About Miss C

Miss Constitution has appeared on television and radio and speaks publicly on American history, the founding documents, and current political issues. Her mission is to help citizens understand the Founding philosophies behind the system so that we can-together-help preserve the blessings of liberty and prosperity.
“I was very unfocused in my youth and never really obtained a grasp of the philosophical underpinnings of our system of government or even basic civics. Miss Boyd makes hard subjects easy to learn. Very inspiring.”
– Education Law Graduate Student
“I found out I know very little about the United States Constitution. I could listen to her for hours.”
– Private Speech Attendee
M.E. Boyd, “Miss Constitution”, is a private attorney and has been an adjunct instructor in business, educational, and Constitutional law. For more than ten years she has taught classes every semester in Constitutional Law to lifelong learners.
Her book, titled “Apples of Gold – Voices From the Past that Speak to Us Now,” is a survey of American history, philosophy, and culture from 1620 to WWI. It has something to say that is important to us now. Apples of Gold is available on Amazon in paperback, on Kindle and Audible. It is also available at Barnes & Noble and Bethesda Communications Group.
Miss Boyd is also President of the Kynder & Jentler Foundation, Inc., a 501-C-3 tax-exempt foundation, whose purpose is to help all children, regardless of economic background, find a pathway to prosperity in America. A percentage of all product and book sales through MissConstitution.com will go to help with this important charity. Please contribute separately through: friendsofkynderandjentler.org